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Revolutionize Your Remote Meetings with Tactiq - Your Ultimate Meeting Companion Powered by GPT-3

Are you tired of long, unproductive meetings? Do you find yourself struggling to keep track of important tasks and follow-ups? Look no further than Tactiq, your ultimate meeting companion powered by GPT-3. With Tactiq, you can revolutionize your remote meetings and make them more efficient and productive than ever before.

One of the key features of Tactiq is its ability to summarize long meetings into a few sentences. This means that you can quickly and easily get a sense of what was discussed in the meeting without having to spend hours reading through notes or transcripts. Instead, you can simply read the summary provided by Tactiq and move on to the next task.

In addition to summarizing meetings, Tactiq also uses OpenAI to extract tasks and follow-ups from your meeting. This means that you won't have to worry about forgetting important action items or following up on critical issues. Instead, Tactiq will automatically generate a list of tasks and follow-ups that you can use to stay on top of your responsibilities.

Finally, Tactiq can even generate an agenda for your next meeting based on the topics that were discussed in the previous one. This means that you won't have to waste time brainstorming ideas for your next meeting or trying to remember what was discussed last time. Instead, you can simply use the agenda provided by Tactiq and start the meeting off on the right foot.

Overall, Tactiq is the ultimate meeting companion for anyone who wants to make their remote meetings more efficient and productive. With its powerful AI capabilities and easy-to-use interface, Tactiq is the perfect tool for anyone looking to take their meetings to the next level. So why wait? Sign up for Tactiq today and start revolutionizing your remote meetings!


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